Free Radical Centre

The Free Radical Centre or ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry and Biotechnology, was established in the 2005 Australian Research Council funding rounds. It is administered from the University of Melbourne, and has nodes at five Australian universities; The University of Melbourne, the Victorian Pharmacy College at Monash University, The Heart Research Institute at the University of Sydney, Queensland University of Technology, and the Australian National University in Canberra. The Centre has over 100 researchers working in all areas of free radical chemistry from material science to biology.

Free radicals are everywhere causing damage to humans, other animals and materials. Chemically they are molecules with unpaired electrons which in pairing cause damage to other molecules. In animals this causes aging, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and genetic damage. For materials, this means paint cracking, food spoiling, and material degradation.

Chemists in the Centre are working on all of these above problems, trying to find ways to control free radical damage in order for us to live longer, healthier lives, as well as finding ways to improve common materials around us such as plastics and paints. Examples of the Centre's work include:


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